Steel Connection Design Engineering – Services
JDH provides a comprehensive range of steel connection design services throughout the Unites States and its territories. We are capable of designing conventional and complex steel connections. Our standard steel connection design services vary depending on the project specification requirements; however, the list below is a sample of typical connection design conditions we will include as part of our standard services.
- Steel Connection Drawings
- Designs per LRDF & ASD design standards
- Detailed Calculations, Complete Text and Output in PDF, MS Word or MS Excel (with Supporting Calculations, Tables and Sketches)
- Beam-Column Connections
- Beam-Beam Connections
- Moment Connections
- Axial Connections
- Hanger Connections
- Braced Frame Connections
- Truss Connections
- Seismic Design Connections

We separate our Connection Design Packages into two major sections – Detailer section and Calculation section. This prevents the detailer from having to waste time searching for the information he needs and presents a well organized package to help encourage designer approval.
Other Services
- Stair & Railing Design – Pan, Stringer,
Header, Base, Columns, Hangers, Handrails
and Connections - Shop Drawing Review – Shop drawing review
verifying the implementation of the connection